Food and Beverage Statistics 2023

2022 was full of surprises and constant changes. Now, to be ready for 2023, we put together the latest statistics from Food and Beverage companies, Customer Service teams and upcoming trends in general.

So, let’s dive into the numbers, and we hope this will help you to prepare for 2023 better!

Customer Service Statistics 2023.

One of the main issues in Customer Service is Order Processing. We collected at least a dozen numbers but here are a few that caught our eye.

74% of companies receive orders by phone & email. It means they manually process incoming requests, key in 50 to 100 lines in each order form, and spend most of their week covering this tedious task.

With a third of businesses processing orders manually, it leaves out only 26% of companies to have a platform for order management. This automation provides them with better customer service and gives them a competitor’s advantage.

However, in another research, we found out that 27% of Customer Service teams mentioned they have no funds for new technology. Meaning, even though they are aware of technology capabilities, they cannot implement them in their workplace.

Staff Retention is another issue in Customer Service.

46% of businesses mentioned that staff retention in Call Centres is the main challenge preventing their businesses from offering exceptional customer experience.

On top of it, with limited long-term staff, 14% of companies are facing training issues.

“We try to find people, however, because there is a constant change in employees – new people come in or someone is not there anymore – it affects service level, they miss orders and make data mistakes.”

To find out how to Make Contact Centre More Desirable in 2023, check our blog post here.

Digital Transformation Statistics 2023.

To continue our findings regarding automation, let’s dive into technologies.

Digital Transformation delivers long-term benefits for companies, with 3 out 4 respondents seeing KPI improvements across all areas of the business.

A further 45–55% of companies expect to see even greater improvements across these areas over the next 12 months.

The use of cloud-based ERP systems will continue to rise in 2023 with over a quarter of respondents in the process of moving to the cloud or are already on cloud ERP.

Another 25% of respondents currently investigating a move to the cloud

In our recent research with more than 50 Food and Beverage companies, we have identified that 78% are either already looking for automation opportunities or considering them next year. 

If you want to learn more about the latest technologies that are useful for your business, check our article where we talk about ERP platforms, AI and API for your business.

Supply Chain Statistics in 2023.

Third big topic for 2023 is Prices and Supply Chain issues. In one of our latest researches, we found that companies are worried about supply chain sourcing, prices and traceability.

B2Be found out 44% of companies noted that Supply Chain sourcing is one of the biggest issues in the FMCG industry in 2023.

We identified that 75% of companies are concerned about inflation and production costs. They noted it is a great challenge in most industries today and probably in 2023.

7% of respondents highlighted traceability challenges as the biggest FMCG industry issue for 2022.

Sustainability Statistics in 2023.

The last topic we want to cover is Sustainability and its importance in 2023.

In our research, 66% of FMCG businesses believe sustainability is essential in 2023.

“Not prioritising sustainability = endangering long-term results. – Food & Beverage Consultant.”

Statistics show that almost 60% of shoppers indicated that the first action brands should take to be considered ‘sustainable’ is to reduce the amount of plastic in packaging.

63% of consumers believe that choosing one’s food is a civic act that equates to choosing the world in which we wish to live.

Asda found that 75% of customers would buy oddly shaped foods if they cost less, so some stores started to discount “ugly veg” instead of wasting them.

Consumers will focus on prioritising local food (48%), paying attention to ingredients (37%) and respecting the environment (36%) in 2023. 

Check other Sustainability examples in our article here.


2022 was a great year to learn more about sustainability, ways to reduce energy and understand customers’ behaviour to improve product development in demand.

However, in 2023 all these trends will continue to grow, and companies who will prioritise the latest market moves can win in the long run.

Therefore, we hope these statistics will help you to improve your business, make more data-driven decisions and make the most out of 2023!

At Allsop we know how daunting it might be to implement new technology, hence we provide a free-of-charge processes audit.

From this exercise, you will receive:

✓ Full overview of your processes

✓ Identified areas of improvement

✓ Possible ROI after automating tedious tasks

Sounds good? Book today ? FREE of cost call.